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Yes, You Can (too)!

Francesca Calamita

Post-pandemic Messages of Gender Equality, Inclusion and Diversity in Italian Language Courses and Beyond

The global health crisis has shown extreme inequalities across the continents, particularly in the USA, where the healthcare system and social injustices have taken centre stage since the appearance of the virus. After the pandemic, many countries will have to recover not only financially but also socially. Learning a world language can have a predominant role in shaping globally-oriented generations willing to improve the current social scenario, pursuing gender equality, inclusion and diversity transversally and at all levels; therefore, language departments worldwide have an important card to play not only to recover from the decrease of enrolment numbers which has affected many institutions, but also to re-emerge from the global crisis as an essential humanities subject to shape a fairer world…

Ph. Lin watchorn, Scopio
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